How to Win Attraction Game


If you’re the kind of woman who loves to stand out, look irrestistible and always feel in control, then you probably know the importance of getting people’s attention. Here’s our quick guide to winning this attraction game. What you do with the attention afterwards is up to you!

Pick Your Target
First things first – who is it you really want to attract? Is it the man of your dreams who is always surrounded by others wherever he goes? Or maybe you just want to get the attention of a tough business crowd? Whoever they are, you need to stay focused on them.

Pick Your Moment
You might only get one shot at this, and we all know first impressions count, so timing can be everything. Think about when the best moment, or place, could be to get their attention. There’s only one golden rule here: the earlier, the better.

Use a Secret Weapon
It goes without saying that you should dress to impress. A striking outfit, bold make-up and heaps of self-confidence will take you a long way. But sometimes it takes something extra special to stay a step ahead of the rest – like a powerful fragrance. Especially if that fragrance has been tested and proven to attract men’s attention, like the new Magnetista Eau de Parfum.

Revel in the Results
With all the hard work done and the spotlight shining brightly on you, all that’s left to do is thrive on the attention and use it wisely! That’s the real beauty of empowerment – you can choose to do whatever you want, with whoever you want. You just need to first win the attraction game.


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